Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Tomatoes, tom-toes and more tomatoes...

Every year, as soon as the weather starts to warm up and the days lengthen, my Darling Husband gets an urge to plant things, so about this time of year I am faced with his seemingly never ending (highly prised) supply of produce. Over the years, we've had fields of basil, mountains of raspberries, kilos of courgettes (often marrows when we've left them a day too long) and huge helpings of french beans. Although most of the produce varies from year to year, tomatoes put in an appearance every year. This year we've made tomato sauce and tomato and mozzarella salad as usual and then I got the urge to make tomato relish. I daren't put the recipe up quite yet, mainly because the whole house stank of vinegar for the hours the relish had to cook, and I can't imagine the result is going to be nice. We're going to wait a couple of weeks and then the sampling will begin, if it's any good the recipe will put in an appearance, watch this space! I'm off to skin more tomatoes...

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