I'm sitting here stinking of smoke. Little Man and I went up to a Beaver camp fire evening tonight. It was lovely to watch over excited little boys running through the woods gathering twigs for the fire, and stuffing themselves with toasted marshmallows (on grubby sticks). I was hoping to be bathed in dappled sunlight but got drizzled on instead...
Life has been on fast forward recently. You know when you think it's still just after lunch, you look up and realise it's almost five, that's what I mean. So what's been going on? Well...
My Little Man has lost so many teeth in the last few weeks that it's a wonder he can chew anything. He's chuffed to bits of course because he can now (finally) whistle - I can't wait for the new teeth to grow so the whistle hole closes up, and the house becomes slightly quieter again!
Little Lady was so funny this morning. She was given some glitter on a small roller that she likes to smear on her face (and she's only 4!). Well, today she obviously thought the cat needed a little pick me up. I happened to glance at him and he glistened. He is fastidious, but this gleam was a step too far. I looked at Little Miss, and sure enough the cat had had the glitter treatment. She looked at me innocently and said 'but Mummy, doesn't he look beaUtiful?!
As for me well, I'm still a devoted 20 Minuter, I never thought I'd last this long! If I feel my motivation dropping, I love wandering over to Flickr to see what the rest of the 20 Minuters are getting up to - amazing!
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